Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year, new beginning

(photo from Harshad Sharma)

I have this thing with new year. This time six year ago, I resigned from my dream job to become a full-time mom. It was a tough decision considering that I really loved what I was doing. But I love my children more and I was willing to drop everything for their sakes. It was truly a leap of faith, having to leave the hubby all by himself to tide us through.

Later on, as I got the wind of being a stay-at-home-mom, God opened opportunities for me to do consultancy work. It allowed me to work from the house, thus making me a work-at-home-mom. I still managed to bring the kids to school and fetch them, attend to their needs and manage the household. Before I knew it, I had been doing it for the past three years or so.

One part of me misses my old job as reporter. In fact, when I was offered last year to join the reportorial team of a business paper, I almost said yes. Yet, just the thought of being on-call again 24/7, being asked to cover coups and rallies and all, kept me from jumping back into the world of journalism. Being a news reporter is just not for moms. It's one noble job that I love, but some nuances that go along with it just wouldn't jibe with my idea of motherhood.

I've been praying to God to give me a clearer direction. And I guess, in a resounding way, He has answered me. Late last year, I got a call from a friend asking if I was interested to join their company. Things happened so fast that before I realized it, I had already said yes.

And so here I am, six years after I resigned from the Inquirer, I'm taking on a full-time job again.

I hope 2008 will be better, much brighter for all of us.