Showing posts with label salt and light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salt and light. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Are you an effective leader?

The 4 Voices That Help Find Your Leadership Vision
by John Maxwell

Where does a leader's vision come from? To find your vision, you must listen to...

  1. The Inner Voice: Vision starts within. Do you know what your life's mission is? If what you're pursuing in life doesn't come from the depths of who you are and what you believe, you will not be able to accomplish it.
  2. The Unhappy Voice: Where does inspiration for great ideas come from? From noticing what doesn't work. Discontent with the status quo is a great catalyst for vision. No great leader in history has fought to prevent change.
  3. The Successful Voice: Nobody can accomplish great things alone. If you want to lead others to greatness, find a good mentor, ad advisor who can help you sharpen your vision.
  4. The Higher Voice: Don't let your vision be confined by your own limited capabilities. A truly valuable vision must have God in it. Only He knows what you're really capable of. Have you looked beyond yourself, even beyond your own lifetime as you've sought your vision? If not, you may be missing the true potential of your life.


This is an excerpt from The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John Maxwell who authored the best-selling Developing the Leader Within You, The 360 Degree Leader, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The Winning Attitude (along with more than 12 other best-sellers which have sold more than 14 million copies worldwide.)

John Maxwell will be in Manila for the John Maxwell Leadership Summit on June 10, 2008. If you haven't registered yet, today is a good day to do so to take advantage of the May Early Bird rates so you can save P1,000 off the regular June rates. To register call 8132732/03 (ask for Juliet) or reserve online